Saturday, November 30, 2019

Into the Woods is a musical with music and lyrics Essays - Fiction

Into the Woods is a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and book by James Lapine. The musical intertwines the plots of several Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault fairy tales, exploring the consequences of the characters' wishes and quests. The main characters are taken from "Little Red Riding Hood", "Jack and the Beanstalk", "Rapunzel", and "Cinderella", as well as several others. The musical is tied together by a story involving a childless baker and his wife and their quest to begin a family (the original beginning of The Grimm Brothers' Rapunzel), their interaction with a witch who has placed a curse on them, and their interaction with other storybook characters during their journey. "Be careful what you wish for" seems to be the ongoing theme in Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine's Brothers Grimm inspired musical, Into the Woods . The story trails The Baker and his wife who wish to have a child, Cinderella who wishes to go the King's Festival, and Jack who wishes his cow would give some milk. When the Baker and his wife are visited by the neighborhood witch, who reveals to them that she placed a curse on their family, the two set off on a voyage into the woods to reverse the curse. Also in the woods, we meet Little Red, who is trying to visit her grandmother, the Wolf who loves tasty little girls, the Witch's daughter Rapunzel, and the Princes chasing after their loves. By the end of Act I, everyone has gotten their wish and will seemingly live happily ever after. But in Act II, when Jack's beanstalk brings them a visit from an angry Giant, we see how the costs of their actions haunt them in devastating ways. The community must c ome together to save each other and their territory , but sacrifices must be made . The musical was a little hard to follow because there was a lot going on. It is one that you have to sit and watch the whole thing to understand what is going on. If you miss any part of it will confuse you because the whole story is tied together. The themes are beloved childhood fairytales from long past that intertwine and is told as an overall story, such as when the witch told the Baker and his wife that if they want the curse reversed, they have to bring her some ingredients for a potion - a cow as white as milk, a cape as red as blood, hair as yellow as corn, a slipper as pure as gold. She needs it by midnight in three days' time when the blue moon will come, which only happens every 100 years. If they can bring her the ingredients, she promises them a child. But it keeps going and brings more characters from the fairytales to the story. The actors and actresses that I liked on Into the Woods would have to be Cinderella because she works hard and finally after all the mistreating she has been through she finally finds h er true love but things are twisted and not the way she wants it to go. Another character I like was the giant, because the giant was just misunderstood. She just wanted to be befriended. The characters I disliked would have to be the baker's wife because she is a cheater and up to no good throughout the musical. Although she got what she wanted as it turns out none of them are happy and sometime later they realize it. The lighting and set seemed a little drab to me. It was kind of dark and not too many props were used, this was very minimal. The costumes were pretty spot on the way I remember the stories. The sound was good for an open theatre, but a little hard to hear in certain areas. The makeup was great I loved how they had Rapunzel and her long flowing hair and how they had the baker's wife she was plump. I guess for the play the lighting was okay especially that it came out in 1999. Technology has come a long way since that period. Overall I liked the props

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Visas para enfermeras para trabajar en Estados Unidos

Visas para enfermeras para trabajar en Estados Unidos Las visas para enfermeras extranjeras para trabajar en Estados Unidos son relativamente frecuentes debido a la escasez de profesionales en ese campo. Existen varios caminos para trabajar, aunque se han reducido desde que se dejase expirar el programa bajo el cual se concedà ­an las visas H-1C, pensado precisamente para este tipo de personal sanitario. Sin embargo, todavà ­a es posible conseguir legalmente un puesto de trabajo en un hospital o clà ­nica. A continuacià ³n se informa sobre la situacià ³n actual de enfermerà ­a en EE.UU. y se explican las distintas opciones migratorias para enfermeras extranjeras que desean venir a trabajar en este paà ­s. Escasez de enfermeras en Estados Unidos Se calcula que 3,9 millones de enfermeras trabajan en la actualidad en Estados Unidos en las diferentes categorà ­as de enfermerà ­a. Segà ºn la Asociacià ³n Nacional de Enfermerà ­a, de ahora al aà ±o 2024 dejarn de trabajar 690.000 enfermeras por jubilacià ³n y por cambio de profesià ³n. Adems, debido al envejecimiento rpido de la poblacià ³n la Oficina de Estadà ­sticas de Trabajo del gobierno estima que se necesitar que un 1.200.000 enfermeras entren a trabajar si no se quiere agravar el problema de escasez de profesionales de enfermerà ­a. Una de las formas de paliar la falta de enfermeras es permitir la contratacià ³n de personal extranjero. Las opciones varà ­an de patrocinio de una tarjeta de residencia a varias posibles visas. Cabe destacar que sin el adecuado documento migratorio no es posible trabajar en Estados Unidos. En la actualidad, la mayorà ­a de enfermeras extranjeras que trabajan en EE.UU. proceden de Filipinas, India, Canad, Corea del Sur, Irlanda, Australia y Reino Unido, sin embargo, existe una necesidad evidente por un mayor nà ºmero de enfermeras de origen hispano ya que en la actualidad sà ³lo el 4,9 por ciento se identifican como a este grupo à ©tnico. Tarjeta de residencia por trabajo para enfermeras extranjeras Sacar la tarjeta de residencia por patrocinio de un empleador estadounidense es un proceso largo y laborioso, pero al completarlo la enfermera podr quedarse de por vida, si asà ­ lo desea, a vivir en Estados Unidos ya que ser titular de una green card. Los trmites pueden tomar entre 12 y 18 meses, aunque dependiendo del paà ­s de origen puede llevar ms. Adems de la oferta de trabajo, la enfermera necesitar ser diplomada universitaria en esa carrera, ser el equivalente al Registered Nurse americano y bien aprobar un examen estatal que certifique sus conocimientos o aprobar el difà ­cil examen conocido como NCLEX u obtener una certificacià ³n que sà ³lo puede ser emitida por la Comission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing. Visa para enfermeras tipo H-1B Estos visados se conceden a profesionales y modelos y son particularmente populares entre las profesiones tecnolà ³gicas. Es muy comà ºn creer que las enfermeras no pueden acogerse a este tipo de visas, pero es un error. Es cierto que estas visas, cuando se conceden a profesionales, exigen estudios universitarios mà ­nimos de licenciatura, o lo que en inglà ©s se conoce como un bachelors degree. Pero lo cierto es que muchas enfermeras han estudiado ms all que la mera diplomatura. Adems es posible compensar la falta de estudios superiores con experiencia laboral pertinente. Otro problema que frecuentemente surge con la visa H-1B cuando se quiere para una enfermera es que Inmigracià ³n pide el certificado del estado para trabajar como paso para aprobar la solicitud de visa. Por otra parte, el estado pide como requisito tener un documento que permita trabajar en EE.UU. para otorgar la certificacià ³n. En este punto cabe destacar que los bufetes de abogados especialistas en esta visa saben encontrar soluciones a este tipo de problema. Adems, las visas H-1B son muy apreciadas porque se consideran de intencià ³n doble, desde el punto de vista migratorio. Esto es, permiten que se cambien por visas de inmigrante o residencias permanentes legales. Si no se hace este cambio a tarjeta de residencia permanente, que necesita el patrocinio de la empresa, los visados son vlidos por tres aà ±os, prorrogables por otros tres. El lado no positivo es que aunque con este tipo de visa se puede viajar y vivir en Estados Unidos junto con cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os, estos no podrn trabajar salvo en casos muy especiales en los que ya est iniciado un trnsito hacia la tarjeta de residencia. Sin embargo, los hijos sà ­ que podrn estudiar. Cada aà ±o fiscal se pueden conceder hasta un total de 65,000 visados de este tipo, ms otros 20,000 adicionales para las personas que hayan realizado estudios de maestrà ­a o doctorado en EEUU. Adems hay 1,400 reservados para los nacionales de Chile. Adems, hay que tener en cuenta que no hay là ­mite anual de visas de este tipo cuando el empleador es un organismo o institucià ³n oficial. En el caso de la sanidad la Clà ­nica Mayo es por ejemplo un importante patrocinador de este tipo de visados y no est sujeto a là ­mites de nà ºmero por aà ±o. Cabe destacar que muchos de los hospitales en el Top 10 para el tratamiento del cncer estn en esta categorà ­a. Incluso ofrecen estadà ­as temporales para el entrenamiento de personal sanitario extranjero. Visa TN para mexicanos Esta visa de trabajo solo aplica a ciudadanos mexicanos y canadienses ya que han sido creadas al amparo del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norte Amà ©rica. (NAFTA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Para beneficiarse de este visado hay que ser una Registered Nurse, no basta con tener simplemente la titulacià ³n de enfermerà ­a. El cà ³nyuge y los hijos pueden vivir en EEUU pero no estn autorizados para trabajar. Para los nacionales mexicanos es de interà ©s conocer  todas las profesiones que permiten  aplicar por una visa TN. Visado E-3 para nacionales de Australia Sà ³lo se pueden acoger a à ©l las enfermeras australianas y se conceden por un periodo de dos aà ±os que se puede incrementar por igual tiempo. Sus titulares podrn vivir en Estados Unidos acompaà ±ados de su familia inmediata. Se parecen mucho a las H-1B pero cuentan con la ventaja de que el cà ³nyuge de un titular de estas visas sà ­ puede obtener un permiso de trabajo. Como nota a tener en cuenta destacar que la E-3 es una de las visas de trabajo que ms rpidamente se tramitan. Ingresos medios de enfermeras Si te preguntas si tanto sacrificio merece la pena, estos son los ingresos anuales medios de las enfermeras en Estados Unidos segà ºn el tipo de especializacià ³n. En relacià ³n a los salarios es importante entender que hay grandes diferencias tambià ©n segà ºn los aà ±os de experiencia laboral, el lugar de trabajo e incluso el tipo de institucià ³n para la que se trabaja. Asimismo, hay que tener en cuenta que lo que realmente se gana puede estar muy influenciado por lo que se paga de impuestos, ya que varà ­an grandemente segà ºn el estado y a veces incluso segà ºn la ciudad o el condado. Agencias que contratan a enfermeras extranjeras Las enfermeras y enfermeros que desean trabajar en Estados Unidos y desean encontrar patrocinador pueden informarse con cualquiera de estas  10 agencias especializadas en reclutar enfermeras  de otros paà ­ses para trabajar en USA. Consejos sobre validacià ³n de estudios Las visas para enfermeras requieren un buen nivel de inglà ©s y los resultados que se exigen de los exmenes aceptados –TOEFL, IELTS o TOEIC- son altos. No sà ³lo basta leer y escribir bien, hay que entender y hablar muy aceptablemente. Se espera un gran nà ºmero de jubilaciones de personal sanitario americano a lo largo de esta dà ©cada, con lo que se pronostica que habr una gran necesidad de este tipo de profesionales extranjeros. Finalmente, los estudios necesitan ser validados correctamente y por organizaciones aprobadas para ello. Puntos clave EE.UU. sufre de escasez grave en profesionales de enfermerà ­aEs posible ser patrocinado por empresa para tarjeta de residencia permanenteLas enfermeras extranjeras pueden sacar visas H-1B, TN y E3 (solo australianos) Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Learn About the U.S. Presidential Oath of Office

Learn About the U.S. Presidential Oath of Office Since George Washington first said the words on April 30, 1789, as prompted by Robert Livingston Chancellor of State of New York, every President of the United States has repeated the following simple presidential oath of office as part of the inauguration ceremony: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. The oath is worded and administered in accordance with Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution, which requires that â€Å"Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:† Who May Administer the Oath? While the Constitution does not stipulate who should administer the oath to the president, this is typically done by the Chief Justice of the United States. Constitutional law experts agree that the oath could also be administered by a judge or official of the lower federal courts. For example, 30th President Calvin Coolidge was sworn in by his father, then a Justice of the Peace and notary public in Vermont. Currently, Calvin Coolidge remains the only president to be sworn in by anyone other than a judge. Between 1789 (George Washington) and 2013 (Barack Obama), the oath has been administered by 15 Associate Justices, three federal judges, two New York state judges, and one notary public. Hours after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, U.S. District Court Judge Sarah T. Hughes became the first woman to administer the oath when she swore in Lyndon B. Johnson onboard Air Force One in Dallas, Texas. Forms of Administering the Oath Over the years, the presidential oath has been administered in two ways. In one form now rarely used, the person administering the oath posed it in the form of a question, as in, â€Å"Do you George Washington solemnly swear or affirm that ‘you’ will †¦Ã¢â‚¬  In its modern form, the person administering the oath poses it as an affirmative statement, with the incoming president repeating it verbatim, as in, â€Å"I, Barak Obama do solemnly ‘swear’ or ‘affirm that ‘I’ will †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Use of Bibles Despite the First Amendment’s â€Å"Establishment Clause† guaranteeing the separation of church and state, incoming presidents traditionally take the oath of office while raising their right hands while placing their left hands on Bible or other books of special – often religious significance to them. John Quincy Adams held a law book, indicating his intention to base his presidency on the Constitution. President Theodore Roosevelt did not use a bible while taking the oath in 1901. After George Washington kissed the bible he held while taking the oath, most other presidents have followed suit. Dwight D. Eisenhower, however, said a prayer rather than kissing the Bible he was holding. Use of the Phrase ‘So Help Me God’ Use of â€Å"So help me God† in the presidential oath calls into question the constitutional requirement for separation of church and state. Enacted by the First U.S. Congress, the Judiciary Act of 1789 explicitly required â€Å"So help me God† to be used in the oaths of all U.S. federal judges and other officers other than the president. In addition, the words of the presidential oath - as the only oath specifically spelled out in the Constitution - do not include the phrase. While not required by law, most presidents since Franklin D. Roosevelt have added the phrase â€Å"So help me God† after reciting the official oath. Whether presidents before Roosevelt added the words is a source of debate among historians. Some say that both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln used the phrase, but other historians disagree. Much of the ‘So help me God’ debate hinges on the two manners in which the oath has been given. In the first, no longer used manner, the administrating official frames the oath as a question, as in â€Å"Do you Abraham Lincoln solemnly swear†¦,† which seems to demand an affirmative response. The current form of â€Å"I do solemnly swear (or affirm)†¦Ã¢â‚¬  demands a simple response of â€Å"I do† or â€Å"I swear.† In December 2008, atheist Michael Newdow, joined by 17 other people, plus 10 atheist groups, filed a lawsuit in the District Court for the District of Columbia against Chief Justice  John Roberts seeking to prevent the Chief Justice from saying â€Å"so help me God† in the inauguration of President Barack Obama. Newdow argued that the 35 words of the Constitution’s official presidential oath do not include the words. The District Court refused to issue an injunction preventing Roberts from using the phrase, and in May 2011, the U.S.  Supreme Court refused Newdows request to hear the case.   What About the Vice Presidents Oath? Under current federal law, the Vice President of the United States recites a different oath of office as follows: â€Å"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.† While the Constitution specifies that the oath taken by the vice president and other government officials states their intention to uphold the Constitution, it does not specify the exact wording of the oath. Traditionally, the vice president’s oath has been administered by the Chief Justice on inauguration day on the floor of the Senate shortly before the president-elect is sworn in.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critically examine the ways in which China is represented in Flowers Essay

Critically examine the ways in which China is represented in Flowers of Shanghai. Your answer must make reference to the ways - Essay Example The director of the movie Hou Hsiao-hsein is an award winning director and one of the leading contributors to the new wave cinema movement in Taiwan. He has been regarded among the best movie directors of 1990s on creating master piece like Flowers of Shanghai. Some movie critics called it an innovative and prettiest movie however, at the same time the movie also invited waves of criticism and it was also expressed by some movie critics that it was a static, dull and boring movie that does not truly deserves to be listed among the top ten best movie of 1990s. Flowers of Shanghai is widely appraised and viewed as finely blended presentation of artistry, beauty, restrain and patience through its major characters. The plot of the story revolves around four prostitutes living in a Shanghai brothel. The movie depicts the power struggle of prostitutes called flower girls, gentlemen callers and the powerful Auntie who run the show for the prostitutes. The flower girls always look for the fa vour from the auntie that she will give them the richest customers and will send more customers to them. Though the movie is filmed in a brothel but there are no sex scenes in the movie. The girls are shown feeding the men and serving them opium and in exchange they were looking for someone to pay their debts and arrange livelihood for them. When the men show their willingness to marry any girl, the auntie plays the role of merchandiser and books them. It is more focused upon the problems and the efforts of the girls to get out of the problem rather depicting the sex scenes. The plot of the movie is set in the time of late nineteenth century where Shanghai was divided in to several foreign concessions and there are several luxurious flower houses created in the British concession that were meant for the make elite of the city. These brothels were not for the common Chinese people but only the elites for whom they were established could visit at these flower houses. These brothels ha ve their own self-contained world and people use their own language. The visitors came here not only for satisfying the sexual desires but also to dine, smoke opium and to relax their mind with different games. The women working at these brothels were given the name of flowers of shanghai and the movie flower of shanghai is mainly based upon the inner lives of these brothels and the flowers of Shanghai working there. The movie uses single stain of music that is repeated over and over. The repetition is an attempt to convey the message that is real life also same incidents occur again and again only the faces of the players are changed but the game remain the same no matter who win and loss. The movie sets the scene of Shanghai, the capital city of China however, it was not filmed in China but it is the proficiency of the director that he selected the set in such a way that the entire film is shot indoor and not even a single shot of sky or outdoor is included in the movie (Reichert, 2003). The director has close connections with China that could be seen in the movie as well. The way he set up the scene of China outside the country shows his strong imaginations and affiliations with the Chinese environment and culture. There are several cinematic techniques used in the movie that add depth and meaningfulness to the story and at the same time it is

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Marketing the Visual Arts in the Media Assignment

Marketing the Visual Arts in the Media - Assignment Example The essay is like a wakeup call for promoters of artworks and artists in India. It calls for the need to organize many such conclaves and establish art museums across the country to bring the meaning of art into the public. The importance of establishment of art museums is highlighted by an article written by Mr.Ranvir Shaw (Ranvir Shaw: "For the sake of arts", Magazine Section, The Hindu, Sunday, March 08th, 2009) in a recent news edition of The Hindu (see Appendix # 3). Finally the article concludes by stating the relevance and appropriateness of the conclave. On 20Th of March, 2009 a huge conclave named as "Selvedged Voices: Women's narrative art work textiles from India and Chile" will be launched in Chennai. The main reason behind the conclave is to bring into focus Chilean arpilerras (see Appendix # 4), "Kathwas" (see Appendix # 5), "Sujunis" of Bihari women artists and "Santhal" women artists of India. The exhibition is aimed at attracting connoisseurs of creative and visual art and creating demand for art forms of this sort. Also it is the fond hope of the organizers of the exhibition and the artists of both Chile and India that the exhibition will indeed help in promotion of their art works helping them in earning a decent amount of revenue and provide reasonable exposure for those beautiful art forms. Selvedged Voices" (see Appendix # 6) are beautiful, narrative tapestries and art works which basically portray the life style of people of Kathwas, Sujinis and the Santhals. The reason why these art forms gain such prominence is because they speak about the traditional life styles of tribal people in the aforesaid regions. Soon these traditions and art forms may cease to exist unless preserved and encouraged to survive. One of the participants in the exhibition is an organization called as Kalaraksha. Kalaraksha's lovely paintings present topics which are a true connoisseur's delight. They bring to life concepts such as preservation of water by the tribal people, devastation caused by a violent earth quake. Done in soft and vibrant pinks and lilacs these panels speak of the touch of tribal art sense, ability and creative skills. Similarly another organization from West Bengal is exhibiting beautiful and elegant Kantha embroidery narrative sketch panels, known for their use of lace work, color sense dexterous use of beads and velvet. These panels are known for pictures of tales from epics such as Ramayana or Mahabharata. Finally the essay concludes by looking at the possibility of the exhibition to achieve its objectives. The Need for the exhibition: "Selvedged Voices", the exhibition is being sponsored by the ministry of culture by the Government of India and curated by Dr.Skye Morrison, an internationally acclaimed authority on Santhal and Sujuni art forms. Santhal art forms of Bihar and Sujuni art works of Jharkhand are desperately in need of encouragement. These art works belong to the lower and weaker

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Bcg on Hul Essay Example for Free

Bcg on Hul Essay Once you know which businesses stand where in your business portfolio, you also come to know which businesses need investments, which needs harvesting (making money), which needs divesting (reducing investment) and which needs to be completely taken out of the business portfolio. For a major organization like HUL, ITC etc which have multiple categories and within the categories, they have multiple lines of products; the BCG analysis becomes very important. At a holistic level, they get to make a decision on which product to continue and which product to be divested. Which product can give new returns with good investment, and which products are reaching the apex of market share. BCG Growth Share Matrix –  The BCG growth share matrix was developed by Henderson of the BCG group in 1970? s. The matrix classifies businesses / SBU’s by 1) Relative Market Share –  The market share of the business / SBU / Product in the market as compared to its competitors and overall product / category. 2) Market growth rate –  The growth rate of the industry as a whole is taken into consideration from which the growth rate of the product is extrapolated. This growth rate is then pitched on the graph. Thus by having 2 basic but at the same time very important factors on X axis and Y axis, the BCG matrix makes sure that the classifications are concrete. Calculating the Market growth rate comprises of both industry growth and product growth rate thereby giving a fair knowledge of where the product / SBU stands in comparison to the Industry. The market share on the other hand comprises of the competition and the product potential in the market. Thus when we consider growth rate and market share together, it automatically gives us an overview of the competition and the industry standards as well as an idea of what the future might bring for the product. Once the businesses have been classified, they are placed into four different quadrants of the matrix. The quadrants of the matrix are divided into 1) Cash Cows –  High market share but low growth rate (most profitable). 2) Stars –  High market share and High growth rate (high competition) 3) Question marks –  Low market share and high growth rate (uncertainty) ) Dogs –  Low market share and low growth rate (less profitable or may even be negative profitability) On the basis of this classification, strategies are decided for each SBU / Product. Let’s discuss the characteristics and strategies of each quadrant in detail. Explanation: 1) Cash Cows –  The cornerstone of any multi product business, cash cows are products which a re having a high market share in  a low growing market. As the market is not growing, that cash cow gains the maximum advantage by generating maximum revenue due to its high market share. Thus for any company, the cash cows are the ones which require least investment but at the same time give higher returns. These higher returns enhance the overall profitability of the firm because this excess revenue can be used in other businesses which are Stars, Dogs or Question marks. In the case of HUL following are the Cash cows like Mass Soaps, Beverages, Oral care and Laundry which are running very well in the market today, Oral and Mass soap today is doing very good hence it is the cash cows for HUL today. Strategies for cash cow –  The cash cows are the most stable for any business and hence the strategy generally includes retention of the market share. As the market is not growing, acquisition is less and retention is high. Thus customer satisfaction programs, loyalty programs and other such promotional methods form the core of the marketing plan for a cash cow product / SBU. 2) Stars –  The best product which comes in mind when thinking of Stars is the telecom products. If you look at any top 5 telecom company, the market share is good but the growth rate too is good. Thus because these two factors are high, the telecom companies are always in competitive mode and they have to juggle between investment and harvesting vis investing money and taking out money time to time. Unlike cash cows, Stars cannot be complacent when they are top on because they can immediately be overtaken by another company which capitalizes on the market growth rate. However, if the strategies are successful, a Star can become a cash cow in the long run. Just like the products from HUL like Hair Care products, Skin Care products, Premium Soaps Laundry products, Deodorants and it’s lately release brand Water (PureIt) Strategies for Stars –  All types of marketing, sales promotion and advertising strategies are used for Stars. This is because in cash cow, already these strategies have been used and they have resulted in the formation of a cash cow. Similarly in Stars, because of the high competition and rising market share, the concentration and investment needs to be high in marketing  activities so as to increase and retain market share. ) Question Marks –  Several times, a company might come up with an innovative product which immediately gains good growth rate. However the market share of such a product is unknown. The product might lose customer interest and might not be bought anymore in which case it will not gain market share, the growth rate will go down and it will ultimately become a Dog. On the o ther hand, the product might increase customer interest and more and more people might buy the product thus making the product a high market share product. From here the product can move on to be a Cash Cow as it has lower competition and high market share. Thus Question marks are products which may give high returns but at the same time may also flop and may have to be taken out of the market. This uncertainty gives the quadrant the name â€Å"Question Mark†. The major problem associated with having Question marks is the amount of investment which it might need and whether the investment will give returns in the end or whether it will be completely wasted. Processed foods and Color Cosmetics are few of the Question Marks for HUL since it is very rare found in the market due to the reason that it is not giving results as much expected in the consumer market today. Strategies for Question marks –  As they are new entry products with high growth rate, the growth rate needs to be capitalized in such a manner that question marks turn into high market share products. New Customer acquisition strategies are the best strategies for converting Question marks to Stars or Cash cows. Furthermore, time to time market research also helps in determining consumer psychology for the product as well as the possible future of the product and a hard decision might have to be taken if the product goes into negative profitability. ) Dogs –  Products are classified as dogs when they have low market share and low growth rate. Thus these products neither generate high amount of cash nor require higher investments. However, they are considered as negative profitability products mainly because the money already invested in the product can be used somewhere else. Thus over here businesses have to take a decision whether they should divest these product s or they can revamp them and thereby make them saleable again which will subsequently increase the market share of the product. Dogs for HUL are its Sea Products which is definitely and alarm for HUL to kill it. Strategies for Dogs –  Depending on the amount of cash which is already invested in this quadrant, the company can either divest the product altogether or it can revamp the product through rebranding / innovation / adding features etc. However, moving a dog towards a star or a cash cow is very difficult. It can be moved only to the question mark region where again the future of the product is unknown. Thus in cases of Dog products, divestment strategy are used. Sequences in BCG Matrix [pic] Success Sequence in BCG Matrix – The Success sequence of BCG matrix happens when a question mark becomes a Star and finally it becomes a cash cow. This is the best sequence which really gives a boost to the company’s profits and growth. The success sequence unlike the disaster sequence is entirely dependent on the right decision making. Disaster sequence in BCG Matrix – Disaster sequence of BCG matrix happens when a product which is a cash cow, due to competitive pressure might be moved to a  star. It fails out from the competition and it is moved to a question mark and finally it may have to be divested because of its low market share and low growth rate. Thus the disaster sequence might happen because of wrong decision making. This sequence affects the company as a lot of investments are lost to the divested product. Along with this the money coming in from the cash cow which is used for other products too is lost. Results on the strategies for HUL based on the BCG Matrix. There are four strategies possible for any product / SBU and these are the strategies which are used after the BCG analysis. These strategies are 1) Build –  By increasing investment, the product is given an impetus such that the product increases its market share. Example  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Pushing a Question mark into a Star and finally a cash cow (Success sequence) ) Hold –  The company cannot invest or it has other investment commitments due to which it holds the product in the same quadrant. Example –  Holding a star there itself as higher investment to move a star into cash cow is currently not possible. 3) Harvest –  Best observed in the Cash cow scenario, wherein the company reduces the amount of i nvestment and tries to take out maximum cash flow from the said product which increases the overall profitability. 4) Divest –  Best observed in case of Dog quadrant products which are generally divested to release the amount of money already stuck in the business.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cable and Internet Networks Essay -- AOL DSL Internet Connection Essay

Cable and Internet Networks   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In most cases cable or DSL companies such as Comcast or DirectPC are just a single type of Internet connection company. But sometimes companies acquire these one-connection companies to make their companies bigger and better such as AOL buying Time Warner. As these companies get bigger and start to offer more types of connections they also start to have more security conflicts. AOL’s software for its dial up connection has a firewall built in to it, the firewall protects it users from hackers and unwanted programs from running. And the software works almost perfectly for keeping unwanted people or programs out, but the only catch is you have use their software. Road Runner, which is now part of AOL, is a cable company, which only provides high-speed Internet access, not full proof security. This problem leaves you open for hackers that are randomly barraging Internet connected PC’s with â€Å"pings† or â€Å"port scans†, probing to fin d unprotected PCs. Once found, a hacker can compromise your PC with a dangerous Internet threat such as a Trojan horse, spyware or even a malicious worm (Zone Labs).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since AOL doesn’t provide any type of firewall or hacker protection while you have a cable connection with them they do suggest certain types of firewall software to buy. For single end users they suggest you use firewall software like Norton’s Personal Firewall, which costs around $49.95, or NetBarrier 2.0 if you own a Macintosh. Both of these software packages include basic features for a single end user, for instance the ability to delete your cookies and the ability to set up filters or rules to a computer. For network users AOL suggest that you use firewall software such as ZoneAlarm Pro 3.0 which costs $49.95 for a one-user license and goes up from there. ZoneAlarm Pro 3.0 not only provides cookie control, pop-up ad control but also provides email protection and it can suspend 46 different file types. Unlike other personal firewalls, ZoneAlarm Pro includes Program Control to protect against known and unknown threats. With ZoneAlarm Pro, you can control the ability to specify which programs are trusted to access the Internet, by monitoring all outbound traffic. You can also block and make your computer invisible on the internet-â€Å"if you can’t be seen, you can’t be hacked† (Zone Labs). Another type of software that they sugge... ... cases like if you have nothing on your system now, but the only sure, secure way to know that your computer is going to be safe from hackers, when your on the network or working on your computer at home is to turn it off when your done with it. Works Cited Cable Modem and Mac Security Information. 28 April 2002 Connections and Protections. 28 April 2002 Current version of VisNetic Firewall is 1.03. C&C Software. 27 April 2002 How Do You Make a Open Network Trustworthy. 27 April 2002 Macintosh OS X Security. 28 April 2002 Macintosh OS X Security 2. 28 April 2002 Macintosh OS X Security 3. 28 April 2002 Zone Alarm 3.0. Zone Labs 28 April 2002

Monday, November 11, 2019

Women Play A More Important Role Than Men In Families Today

The famous quote â€Å"Women hold up half the sky† was made by Chairman Mao during his reign in the 20th century. Today, in modern times, some may feel that women have increased their superiority against the other gender and may play an even more important role than men in some areas. With regard to the context of family, I feel that although there has been an increase in the role of women these days, men still play an equally important part in the family. Since prehistoric times, men have always been the ones who have been the breadwinners of the family.Cavemen would go out to hunt for food, while their wives would stay at home and look after the children. However, in our modern day, gone are the times when women were only good for cooking and child-bearing. Education has allowed women to surge to greater heights, not only in the working world but at home as well. Most men can no longer claim superiority over women based on being the sole breadwinner, and now, women play an e qually important role as men in providing family income.With greater education these days, women have also allowed themselves to play a larger role in shaping their children’s future. In the past, children only learnt in school most of the time, as their fathers were busy with work while their mothers did not learn enough to help them in their studies. Not all children were fortunate enough to have extra tutorship sessions. In our current times, women are now better equipped to help their children with the skills needed to help their children in the primary years of their education.Most women at least go through secondary education, which would be more than enough to tutor their children with. This has allowed for the development of greater minds as more children are able to cope with their studies even if they do not have tuition. In the long term, better education would help to develop our society even more. With the allowance of women to gain education, it has allowed them to play a more integral role in helping their children excel in their academics.However, one cannot deny that the existence of husbands in the family structure is still a dominant role despite of the many changes from the past to the present. The support of the male counterpart is important for both male and female children. For males, having a father figure helps them define masculinity. It is during their younger days, when boys view their father as their hero, that they find their inner sense of chivalry and courage which helps them grow up as men in the future. For girls, seeing how their father treats their mother helps to shape their perspective of how they view men to be.With the liberation of women, one may feel inclined to think that women have definitely become more superior to men in the family. However, I still feel that men definitely have an integral part to play in the shaping of the minds of children. With that in mind, I feel that women have elevated themselves to the position where they are on the edge of surpassing the importance of men in the family. However, they are definitely not more important than men but rather of almost equal importance as men are irreplaceable in the growing and nurturing of their young in the family.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Homo sapiens’ Origin is Not Africa: Looking into Evidences of Man’s True Origin

There is a common notion that man’s birthplace is Africa. Dr. Chuchward, a known anthropologist, confirmed earlier findings of anthropologists (through examination of fossil remains) found out that the oldest ancestors of the human race originated in Africa. One of the anthropologists who ventured into Africa to study human fossil is Dr. Leakey (Origin of Man: Human Beginnings 1). In 1963, Leakey found human fossils dating back to 1. 2 million years ago in East Africa (Rift Valley Region), the oldest known fossils of hominids (Origin of Man: Human Beginnings 1).The theory was emphasized in many documentaries, usually sponsored by the National Geographic or the American Anthropological Society. Much of the content of these documentaries pointed man’s origin in the Rift Valley region in East Africa. On January 11, 1988, the Newsweek Magazine published an article entitled â€Å"The Search for Adam and Eve. † DNA tracing proved that the origin of man can be found to a single woman who lived in Sub-Saharan Africa between 80 000 and 200 000 years ago (Origin of Man: Human Beginnings 1).Her descendants migrated first to the Arabian Peninsula, then to India and Europe and to the rest of the world. This was confirmed by another scientist, Dr. Eric Higgs of Cambridge University. By studying the ancient migration of men, he theorized that the first man of Europe was from central and east Africa. It was about 200 00 years ago (prior to the Ice Age). Professor Chester Chard of the University of Wisconsin noted was able to prove that there existed in the remote past migration routes. Much of the routes’ origin is in Africa. Dr.Leakey once said that â€Å"it is inconceivable that man, the most curious and mobile of all animals, would not have come to America when the elephants, the tapirs and the deer came from Asia †¦ man spread out from Africa to Asia to Europe†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Origin of Man: Human Beginnings 1). This view of man’s ori gin had been confirmed and reconfirmed by the succeeding generation of anthropologists. For example, in 19888, Christopher Stringer and Peter Andrews pointed out that Homo sapiens had evolved from a Homo erectus group some 200 000 years ago (Bakalar1). This Homo erectus group later became extinct and replaced by their descendants, the Homo sapiens.Homo sapiens later migrated to Asia, Europe, and to the rest of the world. A known geologist, John Martyn was able to recover human fossils in the Great Rift Valley (in Kenya). Using a new method of dating fossils, he found out that the human skulls were 2. 4 million years old. Recently, some scientists are challenging the assumption that man’s origin is Africa. Professor Robin Dennell of the University of Sheffield in England and Wil Roebroeks of Leiden University in the Netherlands believed that early human fossils discovered over the past ten years indicate that humanlike or subhuman species had its origin in Asia (Bakalar 1).The y pointed to two significant finds of the century. A 1. 75 million year old small brained human fossils was found in Dmanisi, Georgia indicating that it was the descendant of Homo erectus living in the Asian continent in the past 2 million years. Another 18 000 year old hobbit fossils was found in the island of Flores in Indonesia (Bakalar 1). The two scientists theorized that because of the relatively small brains of the recent finds, large-scale migration is not possible. Professor Dennell said, â€Å"What seems reasonably clear now is that the earliest hominins in Asia did not need large brains or bodies† (prerequisite for migration).The two argued that there were no fossil or archeological proofs to support the claim that early humans moved from southern Africa to the Nile Valley in thee early Pleistocene period about 1. 8 million years ago to 11 500 years ago (Bakalar 1). They also argued that though the earliest evidence of a human ancestor in Asia appeared about 1. 8 m illion years ago (based from a human cranium found in Mojokerto, Indonesia), it cannot be said that no older specimens can be found in Asia.To support this claim, Stringer said â€Å"Evidence of humans in the Caucasus [region of Asia], China, and Java more than 1.6 million years ago implies either a very rapid spread from Africa after 1. 8 million years ago, or that such populations were established outside Africa earlier than present evidence suggests† (Bakalar 2). He added that rapid migration â€Å"out of Africa† was not possible owing to the fact that early climate prevented homo species from migrating out of Africa. The two said that most interpretations of early and recent findings pointed that the earliest â€Å"human† tools found in the Asian continent are usually attributed to Homo erectus (species usually thought of having its origin from Africa).H. ergaster is an African species assumed by many scientists as both the progenitor of Homo erectus and the only primate capable of migrating out of Africa (Bakalar 2). The body form of H. ergaster is the final proof that it is the remote ancestors of the Homo sapiens. Its body has humanlike proportions; its brain is capable of learning 9e. g. how to hunt game animals). There is though one flaw in this argument. Australopithecines (which is an older form of humanlike primates had virtually colonized the African region by 3. 5 million years ago.â€Å"Similar grasslands extended across Asia at the time, suggesting that Australopithecines could have survived quite well in the region,† the authors said. Added to that, fossil evidence for H. ergaster in the early Pleistocene period is generally unknown. This suggests that H. ergaster was not able to migrate â€Å"out of Africa† by the time Asia was teeming with early men (Bakalar 2). This interpretation was supported by the discovery of human fossils in Flores, Indonesia. The discovered fossils were named as H. floresiensis (Asi an origin). Two facts were really staggering for many scientists.The age of the fossils was relatively the same with that of the fossils found in Africa. And, H. floresiensis was capable of making primitive tools: tools which were used in hunting (Bakalar 2). The implication of the first fact is: distribution of early human populations across both the African and Asian continents was generally uniform (by 2. 6 million years ago). The two authors hypothesized that it is possible for either a multiple point origin (found in different parts of the world) or a single-point Asian origin of the human species.The two authors noted â€Å"The unresolved status of intriguing Flores finds attributed to H.floresiensis leaves open the possibility that this species is the end result and last survivor of an ancient migration of very primitive humans, or even prehumans that formerly existed more widely across Asia† (Bakalar 2). The implication of the second fact is: stone tools used by early men across Asia did not point to an African origin nor did represent an advanced state of development. Added to that, the two authors concluded that â€Å"the Dmanisi [Georgia] hominins are an extremely primitive version of H. erectus that is the ancestor of the H.erectus populations in both Java and those in East Asia† (Bakalar 2).Thus, there is a high probability that the origin of early men rests on the continent of Asia. The theory of Multiregional Evolution was examined in the article of Wolpoff and Caspari entitled â€Å"No, Homo Sapiens Did Not Originate in Africa† (in the book Taking Sides, World History, V. 1). The theory assumed that there are multiple points of man’s evolution in the remote past. Specifically, this theory adhered to the concept of polytypism. Polytypism is the existence of observable average differences between populations.Since different populations of early men differed significantly on certain measurements, multiregionalists argue d that patterns of migration varied across potential routes. Some populations would become isolated, and hence, might show significant differences over the course of time. Some populations might become almost identical in terms of physiological characteristics because of cultural or biological proximity. Thus, multiregionalists argued that the single-point origin of the human species cannot explain the differences found across early human populations.The two suggested that local evolutionary events took place across the world after the appearance of Homo sapiens. According to the two, populations of Homo evolved from a single species. Thus, the propensity of speciation between Pleistocene human populations was not possible (speciation is the splitting of one species into two) (Mitchell and Mitchell, 12-13). This hypothesis became a point of challenge to the prevailing Out of Africa Model which states that Homo sapiens evolved recently as a new species in Africa, and then dispersed t hroughout the world (by routes).The Out of Africa Model also claimed that Homo sapiens were responsible for replacing the existing human populations of those regions without biologically mixing with them. The two pointed out that evidences of an earlier revolution took place in a small group isolated from australopithecine species. Thus, Homo sapiens remained significantly different from australopithecines in both anatomy and physiology (Mitchell and Mitchell, 13-15).

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Normandy Invasion essays

Normandy Invasion essays Introduction The Allied invasion of France on June 6, 1944 is variously known as D-Day, the Longest Day, Cross-Channel Attack, and probably some others as well. It was the largest single military operation of World War II. Hence, the Normandy beaches are a must stop if you get anywhere close to France. The 50th anniversary celebration in 1994 generated a lot of hype. The recent movie Saving Private Ryan rekindled that interest. However, the landing always held a special niche going back to the event itself. Much like Gettysburg, the Normandy attack has been studied in great detail hour by hour, person by person, shot by shot. We'll assume a flight landing in Paris and getting a rental car (a must) at the airport. Then you would drive over to Caen (about a 150 miles) and spend the night, which would put you at the east end of the beaches the next morning. This book by Bruce Bilven, Jr., is a historical documentation of D-Day, June 6, 1944. The book itself contains a lot of dates, nam es and places, which makes it a tough book to follow. Bruce Bilven Jr., himself took part in the massive D-Day invasion of Omaha Beach, as a second Lieutenant in the 29th Division Artillery. Drawing on his own experiances as a solider in World War II, he wrote two other Landmark Books about the war; From Casablanca to Berlin and From Pearl Harbor to Okinawa. Since the war he has written The American Revolution as well as many other books articles, and reviews. He lives with his wife and co-author, Naomi, and his college-age son in New York City. Summary Strategy D-Day began with the concept of the "Second Front." When Stalin's Russia was invaded in 1941, he immediately demanded that his new allies attack Hitler to take off the pressure. No matter his past complicity. Churchill and Roosevelt replied with the invasion of North Africa in November 1942 and Italy in 1943. Chief of staff George C. Marshall considered these sideshows draining away troops and tim...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

#1 - the effectiveness of graphic organizers #2 -Learning vocabulary Article

#1 - the effectiveness of graphic organizers #2 -Learning vocabulary through reading - Article Example There were earlier studies in the area, though limited in scope, which have brought out the positive aspects of graphic organizers. The reviewed study aims to provide additional knowledge in the recently implemented systems where remedial students and students with learning disabilities are mainstreamed, and it could ostensibly lead to significant research in the field. The review of literature is carried out promptly, mentioning studies in the field by Bergerud, Lovitt, and Horton, Darch and Carnine, Sinatra, Scruggs, Mastropieri et. al., and so on. The review goes in detail to the significance of their studies and critically evaluates them, establishing the necessity of the present study. It also establishes a theoretical framework, holds scope to make use of the effectiveness of graphic organizers for students with learning handicap to the relatively new aspect of mainstream instruction. The authors succeed in relating previous research to their work. The study has three research questions which are hypothesized in affirmative answers. The questions are: 1. are the graphic organizers more effective than self-study condition for the three classifications mentioned? 2. do graphic organizers produce consistent effects in middle school and high school across a variety of content area classes? and 3. can teachers successfully implement graphic organizers with heterogeneous groups through teacher-directed and student-directed procedures? The hypothesis is consistent with theory and known facts. It is explained as testable, and promised to provide expected results. The methodology is explained with sufficient clarity so as to allow future researchers to replicate it for their purposes. The population used is selected from nine whole classes of three each from middle school science, middle school social studies and high school social studies. From each subject area, two classes are randomly selected to serve as experimental groups and

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tourism, hospitality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tourism, hospitality - Essay Example Since social media seems to have a relation to the success of a travel business, this phenomenon has got much attention among businesses and researchers. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to review literate on the matter and determine the major points of research being conducted in relation to tourism and social media. In an attempt to establish current knowledge of the subject this work will summarize, interpret and critically evaluate the existing literature, as well as will try to identify the key issues related to social media and tourism. In order to fulfill all of the set goals it is important to determine the very reason of extensive interest of the tourism-related community in the subject. It can be assumed that social media has an influence on consumer behavior. This idea is supported by Williams (2002), who states that purchasing high risk items, such as tourism products, involves information research step of the buying process being more extensive than that for purchasing less expensive or important for people products. The first step of the decision-making process is motivation and recognition of a need. Then, as an individual has decided one wants to purchase a tourism-related product, he or she starts searching for information on the available options. At this point, as Blackwell et al (2006, p. 75) write, the consumer is influenced by â€Å"market dominated† and â€Å"non market-dominated† sources of information. These non market-dominated sources refer to the word-of-mouth publicity and social media. Furthrthermore, social media tools can even be called an advanced variant of traditional world-of-mouth publicity. So, today a consumer evaluates alternatives and makes a buying decision on the basis of more sources of information: from marketers, from the community (friends, colleagues, family) and from social media. At the same time, it should be remembered